morning ladies, advise needed please... i keep getting this sharp shopting pain inside my vagina. They never last long just quick pulses but are quite painfull. Happening more frequently, anyone else expirence this or know what it is? (33 wks)
This is my first and the same thing happenes to me it's when your baby's head pushes on your pelvis and causes it to stretch and then when your baby moves off your pelvis it pings back making the sharp pain xx
yes I'm getting the same we are due roughly the same time 😊.... I think it's just because we are getting closer to due date because I asked my mw and she said it's fine especially if this isn't our first x
I keep getting the same sort of thing. It lasts a split second but I can't walk when it happens!! Stops me in my tracks!! I think it's baby's head pressing down in somthing but I'm not 100% sure.. Would like to know myself 😂 xx