I miss being pregnant because I miss sleep! I love my little man but I was up all night cleaning pee off the changing table and poo off my son (long story). I haven't had but probably 8 hrs of total sleep since May 7 when my water broke at 445 am. I will cherish him being this little though bc he's so darn cute.

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@lawsonsmama, I'm keeping a note of his feeding time like how may minutes each breast he feeds the total time. After he his sucking is pretty much satisfied I give the formula and he is ready to sleep again😄. Just relax dont stress too much, you are doing your best. All is going to be better eventually👍🏻
20.05.2016 Нравится Ответить
@gorgeouslytannedmom, that's excellent you found what works! our son has been cluster feeding like crazy. he usually has one long stretch of sleep per day and I'm bad bc i usually take that time to shower, chat with husband, etc whrn i should be sleeping. I know it'll get better but until then, I'll just make the best of it :)
20.05.2016 Нравится Ответить
I didnt had enough sleep too for 2 days from hospital, baby was fussy. Third day we figured out it was his feeding pattern that affects his sleep and fussiness. We fixed it and now he is able to sleep 2-3 hours straight and i sleep as much as i can too. Btw, he is 8 days old now.
20.05.2016 Нравится Ответить
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