ive always wondered why people buy 600$ strollers .. i mean yes i know its their life and their $ and they can afford it. but logically... i thought everyone wanted to save just a little bit of $. lol idk.
@andiryan93, yeah. im all about saving $. some things u have to spend the extra $ but if i dont have to then. lol
19.05.2016 Нравится Ответить
I bought my stroller from someone but that's because double strollers are hard to find that will fit universal car seats. I don't like to spend a lot on things that they will grow out of. But hey if they have the money and want to spend that than that's their problem. I agree it is ridiculous tho
The stroller I want is close to 400 but it's a triple stroller that has a place for our car seat. With three under three come June 3rd it'll be handy for the zoo or aquarium trips.
My carseat and stroller combined were $300 and that was a bit much for me. To each their own, in my opinion. If they want to spend that and can afford to do so, more power to them. I like saving money.
yeah, I agree or maybe it is just a status symbol like an expensive car or purse....I don't see the point. lol. my husband used to buy me expensive purses every year for Christmas and I hurt his feelings because finally I got the nerve to tell him how stupid that was to me. we have 5 children, please spend that money on them or things we need. I hated those purses because they were made with leather and I could just as well find a cute, reasonable purse at the flea market. lol
We were going to buy a $1000 stroller but I ended up falling in love with a stroller from Walmart that looks exactly the same great quality and we saved nearly $800
600$ is alot because there are cheaper ones. thats why i said that. @wafiyahd . mine will cost 200$ with the infant carseat. i mean its crazy to spend 600$ on one thing.