Is anyone on here a step parent? that's a silly question I'm sure there are plenty of us.
Do any of you have a hard time with the other parent of your step child?

I guess I just need to know I'm not alone.

My husband and I have been together 4 years...married for almost 2. My step daughter is almost. I love her more than I could ever describe. Her mom is not my biggest fan she hates me actually. No matter what I do to try to bridge the gap. my step daughter is starting kindergarten this fall. My husband's grandma came to me concerned that my step daughter doesn't have all her shots. she's never been to the dentist. she hasn't registered for school. my husband has tried to talk to her mom and it's excuse after excuse. Today I called and made her a dentist appointment with my son's dentist, they can get her in today. She's worried that her mom will be made at me and her because I'm taking her to the dentist. I wish there was something more I could do.

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Under my understanding wouldn't it be just fine if your husband approved since he's the dad? Plus you are the stepmom so I'm pretty sure the child gets care when she's with you. I don't really know a lot about stepmom's stepdad's life. But one thing is for sure is that if you feel a child is being neglected, because not going to the dentist is being neglected, take her to the dentist!
19.05.2016 Нравится Ответить
I think if it's OK with her dad aka your husband then do it. that way if it's a problem you can always say her dad wanted this for her.
19.05.2016 Нравится Ответить
We are married too and I have taken care of him and loved him for three years.. He is my son too and I am the one who does everything for him because if I don't do it no one will. It's hard but you just have to remind yourself it's about her and what's best for her. Whether that means doing what's necessary and taking the heat for it
19.05.2016 Нравится Ответить
see that is diffrent. you parent the little girl. you are doing everything with her and for her. in my case I'm the only who takes care of Liam that includes financially. Also I have nothing against the girl she's the one who hates me.. I wouldn't want someone who hates me and my baby around him.
but props to you for deal with that mess.
19.05.2016 Нравится Ответить
@nanifice, I feel like it would be different if I was just his girlfriend. I'm his wife and have been for 2 years. my step daughter is with us half of every week. she is my step daughter. it's been months of the back and forth with her mom who puts her hate for me before her daughter. I'm not her mom. she doesn't call me mom. If we're in public and someone says something like "have fun with your mom" she will correct them.
19.05.2016 Нравится Ответить
well if the child does not live with you really aren't a step-mom because you aren't parenting the child. if they do that's completely diffrent. the father of my child has a gf and we have talked about this. my son isn't hers and will not call her mom or be told he is her mom. mostly because they wanted to take my baby and make a "family" . that's just crazy
19.05.2016 Нравится Ответить
@mommy_faith, thank you! she doesn't call me mom which is fine. my husband is tired of her putting her hate for me first instead of our daughter. so he told me to make the appointments and take her. we recently found out she doesn't have a dr. anymore. so now I have to deal with that. it's just so frustrating.
19.05.2016 Нравится Ответить
My (step)son's mom hates me too lol but it's because she's insecure about herself and he calls me mom.. I've been in his life since he was a baby and never once told him to call me mom he just wants to. It's a battle constantly because we want what's best for him and to her he's just an inconvenience. Do what you need to do and forget about her and what she thinks! It's about the kids and they tend to forget that
19.05.2016 Нравится Ответить
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