curious for the ladies already done all this or ahead of me... how long does it take to plan some sort of baby shower (more of a mixed gender bbq) and when did you have yours? i was going to do a welcome home but decided i probably wont feel up to it so ill do something before hand

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hahah yeah thats pretty much my line of thinking as well ;)
20.05.2016 Нравится Ответить
You still have plenty of time! I planned to have mine later on in the pregnancy because then I'll have a nice round bump for photos 🙊 haha and then I know what else I'll still need to get for bubs and will be occupied with all that instead of just sitting and waiting for her to come every day, even though im already doing that haha
20.05.2016 Нравится Ответить
'@kayleighandcharlotte thank you :) ill discuss with my mum aunty and bestie :) 26w today and one day i feel like i have heaps of time and the next i feel like i am running out of it lol
20.05.2016 Нравится Ответить
I'm having mine next weekend, I'll be just short of 31 weeks. I wanted to start planning it about a month and a half nearly 2 months before hand so that it wasn't rushed, and I could give my guests time to sort themselves out too. My MIL however took over and has planned the whole thing for me which I'm completely thankful for! If you have like your mum, best friend, MIL, someone that can help you plan it out it'll make it a lot less stressful for you too xx
20.05.2016 Нравится Ответить
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