I just had a baby 8 months ago and I'm jealous of a friend being pregnant. We both have boys and she wants a little girl just like I do. I'm secretly wishing she has a boy. Is that mean? It's way too early for me to have one yet but I'm so jealous!
lol don't be jealous.. I find it funny that you wish that on her. you will have your time. I know when they initially told me I was having twin girls I was sad..I wanted 2 boys..then when I went back and found out I'm having a girl and a boy I was content and still seen it as a blessing to even carry a child.
I have a girl (wanted a girl) and I swear I'm gonna be so sad if I don't have a boy next lol I would love another girl but my pregnancy was so awful I don't wanna go through it more than one more time lol