Also not very baby-related, but can anyone tell me what on God's green earth this thing is?! My husband named it 'Stop Fondling Me Elmo' due to the fact that the mouth opens (with a fully functional set of teeth might I add lol) when you press the tummy and if you press the hand enough times it yells out 'No! Stop!'. It sings 'My darling clementine' one syllable per tummy push. My mother-in-law found it at a rummage sale and it has got to be the strangest toy i've ever seen. What is it?!
I forgot what they're called but my son had a couple of them. When you press their bellies together next to another one they sing together! Creepy yes but my son loved them lol
one of my mom's friends got one for my daughter and I threw it away awhile back. it gave my daughter nightmares and she would always have me kiss her finger saying he always bit her. she got to the point where she was terrified of it.
It's wierd right? It's not just me? Lol it's high pitched chipmunk voice is creepy too. If you stop playing with it it says 'night, night' in a very maniacal way.@daij,