@mommy42_, I've been on and off of it for 7 years now and I don't get my period on it which is awesome. The one time I tried anything else it was the IUD Mirena and it caused me to have an ectopic pregnancy which was excruciatingly painful both physically and emotionally and then I went back to depo and I bled for 23 days heavily.
im on it have been for a year.. i get my period once every 3 months but for the whole month. i havent gained weight ive lost a couple pounds mainly because im working and it has made my sex drive go downhill.
Yes I know I got on it after giving birth to my daughter but I haven't stopped bleeding she's about to be 2 months and the dr told me the second shot would make my period go away but idk & about loosing weight I don't need that I'm already bones lol but thank you @tortor4894