So we did not circumcise our baby... For the mommies that didn't when is it safe to pull back the foreskin? Please my MIL said I should of been doing it. I don't want to hurt my son🤔
no I didn't ask her I didn't know u aren't supposed to til right now when u said it my son is 16 months old now but he never has had any infections or anything.
Oh OK my son is circumcised like I mentioned above and they left some of the skin in my opinion. sometimes there's white residue under there so when he in a bath I gently push it back to remove the dirt idk another way to get it out of there. @mommy_faith
It's actually the main reason why uncircumcised boys get infections and later on end up having to get circumcised because the skin was getting pulled back when it's not suppose to. Just wipe it like a finger. That's all you need to do. It they pooped and you feel like just wiping it didn't do the job (which it did but just for peace of mind) put them in a warm bath. Pulling it back can cause so much damage! @aidensmommy110 I had no idea until I had boys and decided not to do the procedure lol
Never ever pull back the skin! It shouldn't retract until he's older and by the time it does he will be cleaning himself. If you pull it back at all before it's ready it can cause infection and rip. I have two boys and neither of them were circumcised
we had caleb circumsized...but a group on fb, a lot of mothers with un circumsized boys said not to because it could harm the baby and cause cracks or something and bleeding...i looked it up and found this