I'm I wrong or do I have reason to be salty a'f and annoyed right now.
"Howard asked about you, I told him you were pregnant and he asked if you still get your nails done"
'That's nice, yeah I want to get my nails done, but everytime I get extra money I spend it on A'
She really responded with
"yeah you need to stop doing that"
Excuse me, wtf? who the hell thinks it's their place to tell me how to spend my money for one, and for two I'm not out blowing it on clothes and tattoos, it's going to my daughter. Seriously pissed off about this still and it happend yesterday. She told me that I just need to put everything on the registry, honestly the registry is only going to be used by out of state family and older family members here, everyone now a days buys clothes, blankets, and toiletries for showers, I don't expect my friends to be spending over 30 bucks for anything and that's pushing it, I'll be happy with an outfit or a pack of diapers, the shower is more social than necessary. The only items I have left on my check list of wants/needs is : diaper bag, glider or rocker, nursing pillow, tummy time/floor activity set thing, jumper or walker, pack n play, changing pad, high chair, and baby monitors.I have everything else. I also plan on getting a different stroller and carseat because I want a different style but that doesn't change the fact that I already have a set, baby girl is fine without anyone but her mommy and daddy, fortunately were blessed enough to have great friends and family.

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