My first was pretty scary. My sons heart rate kept dropping when I had a contraction the done a scan and thought his cord was around his neck and he was back to back so needed an emergency section. I was the doctors last patient literally he finished with me then was moving to another hospital. I have to have another with my second which I'm nervous about but if that's how you get your baby here then so be it. The healing is a pain I over done it and was on my feet too much and don't rest as much as I should have and I ended up getting an injection and that was awful but now my scar is fading. You'll do great. Just remember to relax and take the meds afterwards and if you don't feel right call your doctor.
You will be scared regardless of what anyone says @lakree214 this was my second c section and I was scared anyway. Everyone's experience is different and some women experience pain during it like I did and some dont. Either way I pray you have a successful c section and have family to support you on your journey.
@lakree214, @twins1987 when it's happening it's not as bad as people make it seem honestly .. You are numb chest down u do t feel ANYTHING but them moving your legs and body .. I had an emergency c section cause my baby girl was breech .. They lay you down and keep you warm ..I was smiling and laughing the whole time face full of makeup lashes on and everything ... Going through it is definitely not bad but what's kinda tough is the aftermath.. It's def a challenge getting better ..they give you medicine so ur never in too much pain which makes you fall asleep all the time .. Healing It's def a process .. I was scared shitless when I found out I was having a c section but I don't remember it as a bad experience at all ... My scar is barely visible !! I'll be trying v-bac with my baby boy!! 😊💙Don't be scared !! You girls will be fine !! You will need a lot of help from your loved ones tho !!
It is nerve wracking but in the end it is all worth it when you see your bundle of joy. I had to have 2 epidurals because the first didn't work. Having my boyfriend there to support me meant all the difference. Having support makes a huge difference. It is painful after but the medicine helps alot. I'm still on my medicine. Walking and drinking lots of water has helped so much.
16.05.2016 Нравится Ответить
To me it was scary. I felt so much anxiety and when i felt the intense pressure of them getting the baby out i blacked out. I didn't even hear my baby cry for the first time. When i first saw him he was already cleaned and swaddled and i was in my recovery room. I couldn't hold him because i was so shaky from the meds.
it's been almost 7 years since I've had one but from what I remember it was alot of pressure and tugging. I did get heartburn in the middle of it but over all it wasn't that bad the healing process is a pain in the butt though