@shish, just be glad you are at 35+weeks. Anything before that would scare me a little more. And I hoping she either comes early on her own or they let me be induced in a couple weeks, I want her to be healthy but I don't want a huge baby lol
@lelizabeth, on no lol my friend just her baby a few weeks ago and they had to induce her at 37 cuz her baby was two weeks ahead. He ended up being 8lbs 4oz lol. I'll try not to panic, I've heard more success stories than not so far.
@shish, I wouldn't worry too much. Most babies do just fine at 35 weeks they just might be a little smaller. I was induced at 35 weeks, thank god because he would have been huge. I'm currently 33 weeks and this one is measuring 2 weeks ahead.. Aggghh!
@lelizabeth, oh wow he would've been a big baby if he went to 40 lol I'm just getting worried I won't make it to even 37 weeks. My BH contractions r getting stronger and more painful everyday and I have so much pressure in my pelvic area and my vagina that it hurts to even have a bowel movement. I was already admitted in the hospital to stop my contractions a few weeks ago. I just don't want my baby to be in NICU because we'd have to go to another town because my hospital doesn't have a NICU unit. They send all the babies 45 minutes-3 hours away to another town.