⚠first time mom!⚠
Lost more of my mucus plug and have been having constant contractions for the last 5 hours, but I don't want to go into the hospital to early. should I just wait until I cant bare the pain anymore or should I just go in??
you will know when to go in. time thwn and when they are a few min apart its time to go. :) you could be dialated for a long time and having contractions but if they are not a few min apart it isnt time yet.
no problem good luck! my pain tolerance was pretty high too they were surprised I was already 6 cm because I was handling the contractions so well just time them :)
Okay thank you so much! I went to the doctor like 2 days ago and I was 1.5 cm dilated and 80% effaced I'm just a little worried that my pain tolerance; is high and I'm not gonna know when to go in @mrscruz0530