Cassie Bautista
Cassie Bautista
these are the Times I really want to smoke :( I used to be such a big pot head till I got pregnant and I really thought I couldn't stop like I smoked at least 4 blunts if not more a day just between me and my SO but the day I found out I was I stopped the next day but everyone expects me to be in this happy mood all the time and now I don't have a job I feel like I do nothing all day like can everyone understand I am happy but not this super energetic person like I was when I smoked :(

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I know what you mean girl!! I quit smoking at 30 weeks though so I applaud you for doing it right away. It was hard for me especially because it relieves so many symptoms of pregnancy and made me overall a happier person lol but it's totally worth it for your baby! I knew I had to stop so it's out of my system by the time baby boy is born but I personally don't think it's harmful (besides the smoke that's harsh on your lungs of course) But atleast it's not like you have to quit forever!!
14.05.2016 Нравится Ответить
thank you both lady's I really needed to hear that I don't have a lot of ppl to talk too y'all made my day!! only 4 more moths till my baby here that's all I want :)
14.05.2016 Нравится Ответить
@babyyoungblood16, Don't worry. I was the same way when I found out with my first son. I quit everything. I wasn't the happiest either. It gets better and more exciting once baby gets there. Everything was beyond worth it then. Just don't let anyone get you upset or make you feel bad. My fiance has an issue with me not being my old self right now either, but I'm pregnant. I'm exhausted, on an emotional roller coaster and hungry way too often. Lol. We are growing little miracles. It's hard work. Just take time for you. And I applaud you for quitting. Awesome job. :)
14.05.2016 Нравится Ответить
I'm the same way girl and now that I'm only a month and some change away from labor and my body constantly hurts it is SOOO hard. Forget about the mood aspects of smoking, I just wish I could smoke to relieve this pain. 😫😖
14.05.2016 Нравится Ответить
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