So a bit sad....before I got pregnant again with my son I started to finally lose weight because I took my implant out. I was down to around 155 again and just a few days ago at my ob appointment they said I was up to 180! Before I had kids at all I was only 125 and my highest was 130. I'm sad because I have never been this big and I don't know if I will lose this weight again and back down to at the least 140. I know it's mostly my son and it's all for a good cause but it still makes me sad since everyone my whole life has always called me "gorda" even when I wasn't just because my sisters where smaller than me...even now my fil calls me hi :(even before I was pregnant) and it hurts. I tell everyone don't say that to me I don't like it or it hurts my feelings and all they do is "Ohh I'm just joking around with you" or "stop it I'm just playing" or just shrug it off. My self immege has always been on the low/bad side and I cant help but get sad or feel bad that I'm so big now and might not be ble to get back down.