so ladies Iast couple days Ive suspected my waters been leaking..spoke to midwife who told me to d pad test..was convinced it was watery discharge since pad wasnt getting drenched n looked creamy when dried. .. I wore a pad jus before heading to bed n needed loo abt 3 am been having on n off period cramping n back ache..cutting long story short I checked pad cuz I felt another leak n noticed it had pink ordourless discharge on pad isnt soaked but I keep getting it on my tissue wen I wipe also (sorry tmi) I mean its not my plug cuz I lost dat on Tuesday. .is it my hind waters or start of a bloody show??? ill try to attach a pic of my pad..sorry gals but a bit confused please shed some light my lovelies..
yes I'd say waters, get onto them asap! my waters went yesterday at7am as you know and by half 8 my pad was soaked and had blood on it, this is now your bloody show, keep me updated xx