My little boy has a birth mark that looks a lot like a semi-colon. ( ; ) The first time I saw this I teared up a little. You see, when my husband and I first met I was massively depressed, and borderline suicidal. I've struggled with depression most of my life and even up until I got pregnant I would struggle with lows of suicidal thoughts. Even during my pregnancy I'd have lows where I just "knew" the only reason I wasn't acting on those suicidal urges was because of the tiny life I carried inside me. The first time I heard him cry, I discovered new strength. I am a mother, and I won't ever stop fighting for my son. A semi-colon is often used to support those who struggle with self harm or suicide. It is a place where a sentence could have ended, but didn't. My son is my little semi-colon, the reason I've found to keep going.
Oh wow, that is really crazy that he has that birth mark like that. :) I'm glad that he gives you strength! depression is something that unless you've dealt with it, it's very hard for ppl to understand which makes it harder on the person suffering. I've had depression/anxiety my whole life although it's gotten better the older I've gotten but I struggled in my late teens and early 20 ' s so bad! and ppl would tell me I was overreacting :( I really hope you stay strong!!