👍👍😬 They've now raised the refer credit to $20! Still looking for anyone who wants free clothes! Free shipping, You get $20 combined for joining and now $20 for every referral!! Not kidding... I've got $30 in free clothes so far, just got my first pack in today, no catch, didn't cost me a dime, I'm leaving the referral website and directions in the comments! Idk how more people don't know about this. Below is a pic I snapped of what I first ordered (had to edit pic to cut out my address etc) If anyone is interested then by all means feel free to get FREE clothes!!!
go to this site, Tap on sign up/Join and when you join you will receive a $10 credit instantly, If you are on a mobile phone After you Join go to the bottom of the page and click View Full Site after that you should tap Shop to Help, when you tap that you will see off to the side it says Collections, Down below that hit "New Collection" create whatever you want, could be baby boy or girl clothes make up a name for it and you will get another $10 credit! And not sure if it's for an unlimited time or not but you get $20 for every referral