Becca VC
Becca VC
RANT: Okay so seriously hypocrisy irritates me. While I was pregnant my MIL used to say shit like "get ready for projectile vomit, all the time. Those babies love to throw up". Now my son is here and he rarely spits up. The only time he has is when he over eats (he once drank 8oz in 2hrs, which is a ton for a 2wk old baby, breast fed or not) in which case throwing up some of the excess is normal, and (as his pediatrician told me) in most cases good for him. She came over to visit tonight, and he spit up a little while she was holding him. Barely enough to dribble out his mouth (which she proceeded to dab with the baby quilt my great grandmother handmade, NOT the burp/spit up rag I held out to her, so extra RAGE). She then started baby talking to him "Oh they aren't burping you enough, no they aren't, nu-uh" and more. He had JUST eaten 3oz, been burped and fallen asleep. She was trying to wake him up (Extra rage, don't wake my baby, seriously, don't. I don't care that you want to see his eyes open. No, he shouldn't be awake "so he'll sleep tonight" I am NOT trying to force a schedule on him, I let him tell me what he needs. Its working pretty well, thanks) Then as she's leaving she tells my husband "You really should burp him better" WHAT. THE ACTUAL. FUCK. He didn't even spit up enough to make a mess. For all you know it could have been left over milk from his mouth. Seriously don't try to come down on my husband, he is a better father than you will ever give him credit for. GAH! I'm still fuming.

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Oh wow she would irritate the crap out of me!! that really sucks, and unfortunately there's not really anything you can do to shut her up most likely :( just take a few breaths and remember that she's going to be going home. I wonder if ppl like her know how inappropriate and annoying they are!!
11.05.2016 Нравится Ответить
All parents parent different and she dosent do it the way you want to and it bothers you maybe talk to her and she'll understand
11.05.2016 Нравится Ответить
@fifimama, I'm so sick of the way she acts about parenting. She is a great woman and has helped me a lot (let me live with her while I was homeless and more) but it is hard to remember how much I care for her when she acts so immaturely! And as for sleeping, my son wakes up twice a night to eat, and then goes right back down. He like to wake up at 4 and stay up, but you know what, I'll take it. That is only an hour earlier than normal anyway.
11.05.2016 Нравится Ответить
I've been through all this as well
11.05.2016 Нравится Ответить
Thank u ! Yes ! There's so many things wrong with this ! She should NEVER bad mouth your baby , she should have used the rag & NOT A HANDMADE BLANKET & NEVER should have woken your baby unless that's what u wanted ! I let mine nap in the day when people talk shit I just ask how long they were pregneat with my daughter and they shut up real quick !
11.05.2016 Нравится Ответить
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