Haven't been on here in a lil while, but after 22 hours of rough labor, and staying dilated at a 6 (babies head was in the birth canal); I finally had a c-section (and I'm glad I did! Our lil munchkin weighs 8lbs2oz and 21inches long! We were are so happy she's here! Then, we found out she has jaundice. She spent all day yesterday in the NICU and is still currently there. Her levels have dropped, but not enough to go home. Any other moms have this happen and what was the outcome?! I'm a nervous wreck, barely sleeping, trying to recover from the c-section, and my blood pressure has been high! Someone give me hope here that our baby girl will be alright! TIA! Pic because she's gorgeous!
Thanks @mommytoo2 my BP has gone way down and our baby is doing great! A nurse we just spoke to said she thinks she should be good to go home by tomorrow!! I'll post later tomorrow if we get to go home! Thanks for your replies ladies! And yes, @mommytoo2 feeding like that would be EXHAUSTING!! 2-3 hrs for me is exhausting I couldn't imagine. Isn't it amazing how strong us women with all that stress our bodies go through! Ugh WOMAN POWER lol!!
congrats on the beautiful baby. I'm hoping your BP drops. having her in nicu for jaundice is better then feeding every hr on the hr. I had to for a week and you literally start going crazy from lack of sleep.
Omg thank you! I needed to hear that from someone! I feel better today and not so depressed! I'll keep you updated! Glad to know other ladies had healthy babies after this! I'm just so in love with her and if anything happened I Dont think I'd want to live anymore :/ I'm asking for prayers as well please! Thank you so much! *sigh of relief*
My daughter had it too and we had to stay in the hospital and extra day but a few days after we went home we had a check up for it and her levels dropped down to normal! Don't worry so much, love. I know it's hard but jaundice is really easy to treat when they're so little, so I'm sure it'll all be okay. I know how you feel though. I was crying over it while we were in the hospital. She'll be okay 😘
Yeah I really hope so! The levels have fallen, but just slightly, so she will be in there again today. We were supposed to get discharched today, but since I had a c-section we get to stay one more day! I will sleep in the parking lot in my car before I just leave my baby here!!
She will be fine. I promise! Sometimes, jaundice hits, they go under the lights, the levels fall, and then rise a bit. As long as they dont rise again the next day and aren't at a significant level, chances are she will be able to just go home. Those lights are very good at treating the problem.