hey ladies! are any of you furrbaby moms? i know we all like positive vibes/quotes right...?! :D welllll......I've got a group on Facebook called Animals & Inspiration.
the picture is of a white little puppy with a green background. no catch or anything, just thought some of you ladies might like to check it out and see some cute animals and catch some daily inspiration. :) it's a fairly new page so feel free to join and post! 😁😀😍😍 also, my name is Shay Cat on FB. 😀
I've also got a group called Proud Parent Posters. That group is for mom's AND dad's! feel free to join that group as well and on both groups are a pinned post for you to check out to see if it's something you're interested in being a part of! 💗👶💙

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