Thankyou:) @kellyl22 & honestly based on implantation in January I would say I am in my fifth month right now ... & a lot of people are pissed off I waited so long but not like his mom was taking me to see a doctor:/ especially when I was keeping it a secret from our parents because of our history & I was Right my mom isn't mad about I could possibly be pregnant she's just appalled I got back with Gordo! But she did say how I should have told her since I spotted day one which I agree :/ usually I tell her everything but my circumstances u know it being with this guy loll
Right now I got a cold but I think I have a flu because all my muscles r sore & omg u r pregnant I love ur tummy but I'm just still sad Idk because yes my tummy is growing but I still feel on the small side so idkk😳😳😳😳 but a person on here gave me advice to stay hydrated if I can't eat & still keep eating it's been going good but now I'm sick I don't want to stop eating again@kellyl22
Hey @kellyl22 well this week actually my sister told my mom & dad & now they found out everything so I had the talk with my mom a few days ago... My Physical from a MD is on Monday & on Tuesday is the Guyno where my mom has already told the guyno about my spotting. I don't really c doctors idk what will happen in this physical but I am pretty sure just like when I was at the hospital they will a second heart beat & then see what happens from there but Guyno is Tuesday !!