Yes everybody diff I went in this Friday they out a pill in me so I can dilate it last for 4 hours after that I didn't so they did another one still didn't dilate then they put a bulb in me to open my cervix it finally opened Sunday morning to 4 Sunday afternoon they break water Sunday night still 4 cm they gave me emergency c section baby wasn't coming down because she was crooked
When I was induced I checked in amd everything they started me on my iv or what not monitored my blood pressure and everything after a while they started me on pitocin the meds to kick start labor after that my contractions started to come they got stronger and stronger so they called for the people to come and give me my epidural right after I had gotten the epidural my water broke about 30 minutes later lets say about a few hours later I was pushing baby girl out for me it wasn't a bad experience but each person is different