yes. i wish i wasn't for real. i was actively trying so i found out very early at just 2 wks 6 days. This is also my 4th so i knew i would show much sooner. I didn't plan to tell people for a while but my stomach told on me
@rennysmommy, if I can come out of this with a healthy baby girl,losing weight. all my back pain, stomachache, sickness, emotional roller coaster will be worth it.... @arivera64 I hope you don't gain no more. I'm gone say a special prayer for you....
@arivera64, that's amazing I can stand to lose about 16lbs. Lord please let me lose 16lbs Amen!!!!!@mommyrichardson I didn't have 40 lbs to gain I would've been big as a house.
I only gained 10 total with my son! Lost at least 15 when I had him I weighed less the day I had him then my pre pregnancy weight (125) I was never sick and ate whatever I wanted-just blessed I guess lol
04.05.2016 Нравится Ответить
Before baby i was about 150. And yes 16lbs lighter becuase i lost 8 1/2 lb of baby, plus the placenta, blood, water, etc
@arivera64, Oh my goodness I keep thinking she is going to be big. My husband was a big baby!!!! You were 16lbs lighter? That would be awesome. How much did you weigh before baby if you don't mind me asking?