So I'm considering having my membranes stripped. I'll be full term (40weeks) when I do, but I'm curious as to if it "hurts". Can anyone give me some advice that's had it done? :)
I just had it done 2 hours ago. it hurt me. I have been 3 cm for 2 and a half weeks and I'm 39 weeks so I'm just ready to have him. I felt crampy right afterwards but now I feel back to normal. so idk if it will work for me. it said it can take up to 24-48 hours before anything happens
Well today I was at 1cm. But I won't be doing it for at least another week if I decide to. My doctor said its 50/50 shot so i guess I'm trying to weigh the odds. I can deal with uncomfortable just curious about the level of "pain"
It hurt me!!!! Did not like it but when I went in I was 2cm dilated then I got the sweep then that night had my boy
04.05.2016 Нравится Ответить
It's uncomfortable. Might make you tense up. It works for some ppl and for others no. I had it done 3 times and it didn't work. You do have to be dilated at least a fingertip so that the doc can get inside the cervix
I personally have heard that it is pretty painful, I myself am considering getting it done on Tuesday at my appt. my MIL did it and had 100% success, had my BIL same night. But for other mommies it doesn't work! I think I'm going to try it but I'm pretty nervous