I'm think I'm just gonna disappear away from my husband and his family cause the amount of disrespect that is happening to me for no reason at all I cook I clean I sleep till 10:30 at the latest I watch the kids and make sure they're taken care of and none of it is good enough to him yeh but it's one person in his family that Is doing this to me his mom is wonderful even though her and I didn't really see eye to eye there for a little...I mentally can't take it anymore I'm feeling myself cave and then she was being bully to me cause I get sick and throw up and when I have a uti it's almost crippling and it makes me sick and it hurts y'all I don't wanna leave my husband but it's the only way to get away from this he defends me all the time but omg I can't take it anymore help
7.9 лет

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