anyone have a 36 week baby? starting to think he's not going to hang in there much longer. I'm already 4cm and have been contracting daily. he's dropped, engaged, and turned into position. was your baby healthy at 36 weeks? nicu stay? 36 weeks tomorrow.
my youngest was born at 36 weeks the only problem we had with him was he had fluid in his lungs but he was also born via c section which can often cause a baby to get fluid in their lungs. he was also pretty small weighing 5lbs 15oz but he also wasnt growing much when i was pregnant with him either other than those 2 things he was healthy never had to get shots for his lungs or anything
my baby was born at 34 weeks and spent two weeks exactly in the nicu. went home no problems at when he would technically have been 36. as long as he's eating well on his own u shouldn't have any issues w having to stay w the nicu