my sweet little chunks.. I sure wish we could get this acid reflux under control poor buddy between that and a tongue tie this kid can't catch a break. The doctor didn't seem to think the tongue tie was a big deal in his case but he has a hard time when eating.. he let's way to much fall out of his mouth.
I found out he also had thrush at the time and it was in his throat as well as his mouth.. but since it has gotten better he don't let as much run.. he eats all the time he is a very big guy for his age. @mommy2liamandnoah
my son had a tongue and lip tie and he just had surgery 2 weeks ago! he had the same problem with keeping food in his mouth I had to add cereal to his formula to make it thicker because he was loosing more than he was getting. he is able to eat and doesn't leak out any formula