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since everyone is sharing the story about there s/o here's mine.
We met online in June of 2012 and become really good friends, turned out he had dated a girl I used to be best friends with, until his girlfriend at the freaked about him talking to a girl. Even though we were only friends. we started talking again in October the same year, after he broke up with his crazy girlfriend. November 18, 2012 is the day he asked me to become his girlfriend, after asking my dad for permission the week before. I can remember to this day what he said to me after I said yes. "just remember that I love you if I die in a plane crash today." Now we are going on four years and we welcomed our beautiful daughter in January.

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add #myso so everyone can see it when the search #myso
04.05.2016 Нравится Ответить
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