is it normal to wabt taco bell at 1.12 am and start crying ur eyes out because your babys dad doesnt want to go get you any :( sounds ridiculous but im literally crying like of someone broke my heart 😥😢
One time I was laying in bed crying uncontrollably loud at 2 in the morning because I wanted pancakes! My husband did go get them but only bc he knew he would never be able to sleep over my loud whaling😱bahahaha
I'm not even with my fiancée right now for 1 month and it'll probably be another month til he comes back, so I've been doing my stuff pretty independently. Sometimes I do ask my brother for services though haha 😝
@tortor4894, @atlas. thought it was only me! im like so upset to where he jist asked me of i really wanted some and i said no even tho deep inside i do still want it 😥😣😠
Yeah hormones I made my husband go get me 1 hash brown from mcdonalds at 4am yeah i didnt even want it by time he came back just wanted to sleep lol or want chicken strips but hes at work so takes a lunch break to bring me some those were good times
I wanted my fiancé to bring back crushed ice from work tonight he doesn't get off til 7 am and the ice machine is broken. 😭 I'm so upset because it is seriously best ice ever.
No that basically describes my whole first trimester. he eventually would just give me his card and his keys and tell me to just get whatever I want cause he was sick of leaving to get it for me. and I sureeee did get whatever I wanted hahahaa