my babygirl freaks out when other men hold her other then her father and grand fathers and her grandmas and when certain women hold her.....what does this mean? does she since stuff? if there a bad person?
My daughter went through a stage when she was a few months old she'd scream and cry if anyone but me or her dad held her, she was just very shy she's better now that she's bigger when it comes to family that we are close to but she's still iffy about distant family.
no it doesn't always mean that I don't take my son out a lot so even when my cousins come around he doesn't want them holding him and sometimes he don't even want my mom holding him and I live with her at the moment . I feel like it's just their mood sometimes or they are just not used to other people @candybear1818
@lifewithplumms she is a little over 4 months old I was just curious. she been doing this for about a Couple months now
30.04.2016 Нравится Ответить
Maybe. My sons 1 and ever since he was maybe 2 months old he would always be picky about who holds him and who doesn't. Even til this day there's some people he will play with and laugh with and let hold him then there's others where he'll turn around and run back to me if they even look at him for 5secs.