Why Bed Rest When Baby Is Healthy? My Hospital Experience

Was in the hospital last week for 3 days to be monitored for pre eclampsia and hypertension. I was sent home on bed rest at 37+4. I had a drs appt Tuesday where I had to do another 24 hour urine test. My Dr calls last night and tells me I need to go in to L&D and be monitored. He also said they may go ahead and do the C-section. Went to L&D to get released 2 hours later. Drs appt at 11. I'm so frustrated. My baby girl is doing wonderful and looks great!! That's all that matters but I would like to feel better. I don't understand bedrest when a specialist says your baby looks great and is fine to come anytime. sorry for the rant, I just need to get it off my chest.

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@momma1416, So glad to hear it!! thank you ❤
29.04.2016 Нравится Ответить
My daughter is a perfect, happy, healthy two year old and her brother is already 4lbs, so everything turned out well! We are blessed. I'll pray for you as well😊 and good! Hopefully you leave there very satisfied! @sarahmercer
29.04.2016 Нравится Ответить
@momma1416, I'm sorry you have had to go through it and twice!! I'll definitely keep you in my prayers 😊 I'm writing down all my questions. I'm going to pick his brain today lol
29.04.2016 Нравится Ответить
You're welcome! I understand 😊 if your blood pressure wasn't high or there wasn't protein in your urine they will try to keep baby in as long as possible. But I would definitely ask! I had it so severe my first pregnancy they delivered at 25 weeks and this time they said if I make it to 35 they will be delivering! So definitely something to check into 😊 I'm sorry you feel so awful, but best wishes for you! @sarahmercer
29.04.2016 Нравится Ответить
I had no idea!! I wonder why they don't just do my C-section. I need to ask him today. Don't get me wrong I'm not trying to rush my pregnancy, I have loved and embraced everything but I'm tired of not feeling good the past two weeks! Thank you so much for responding. I don't feel as frustrated now!! @momma1416
29.04.2016 Нравится Ответить
He definitely should have explained what was going on! If preeclampsia becomes severe it can cause your body to shut down which could make you and baby sick! It's something that you can lay down for a nap just fine and wake up with it. Even though this far along you two would be fine, recovery from preeclampsia is hard so I'm sure be wants to avoid you having to go through that! @sarahmercer
29.04.2016 Нравится Ответить
@momma1416, Thank you for telling me that! Not one Dr has explained anything to me. So I have been left frustrated, wondering why.
29.04.2016 Нравится Ответить
I understand being frustrated but Preeclampsia can get very dangerous very quickly. Bed rest is to help so that it does not harm you or baby! @sarahmercer
29.04.2016 Нравится Ответить
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