alright ladies I need advice!! does my husband's parents have any rights to my unborn child if I see it not fit?? I don't feel they should when they constantly are bashing me, or starting arguments with me on a daily basis, and threatening me... I don't feel it is a good environment for my child to be in when they can't even be civil with me.. I feel my child should not have to be put in the middle of anything (I would not bash them in front of her) but they would talk bad about me in front of her because I've heard them do it with my nephew.. any advice on this situation

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No . They're grand parents. They have NO rights. I don't allow my alcoholic grandmother or dad to see my baby & theirs nothing they can do about it
28.04.2016 Нравится Ответить
my main thing is do I HAVE to let her visit with my child???
28.04.2016 Нравится Ответить
I know she can't take my child without probable cause.. I was taken from my parents but because they were not fit.. but before I agree to anything like that they would go to someone in my family I don't trust her with my kids.. her own kids don't trust her and the things she does half the time.. If she was to ever be able to she would just make up a sickness to draw money off my child like she did her own kids
28.04.2016 Нравится Ответить
They can't take your baby from you. There would have to be a major problem for the state to step in and take your kid. (Like baby testing positive for drugs and other things) she's just running her mouth.
28.04.2016 Нравится Ответить
I mean I know they bash me they always have they have never liked me... but they are stuck because I am married to their son.. but this is our first child and I don't want her in an environment where she has to listen to someone bash her momma.. my husband and his brother growing up was made to be mental and have all these disabilities and on all kinds of med so they could get money (both of them now grown don't take meds and have jobs and are far from being mental) their momma made them that way.. and now with my nephew she is always making him out to be sick and I am so scared that she will do the same to my child.. when in reality I feel like she has issues of her own mentally and on top of that she is a horder so I don't want my child around it especially when she acts like she does with me.
28.04.2016 Нравится Ответить
I take it as a threat when they asked me a question and I answered it and then his mom just started going off and bashing me and talking about she was just gonna come over here and I could say it to her face and all this crap to the point I had to tell her if she come to my house i was calling the law.. in my state the law won't do anything with a text message it has to be verbal.. and when I told her if she kept treating me like this and all that she wasn't going to see my daughter because I won't have her around that type of behavior she then began to tell me that yes she would that I better watch it cuz grandparents have rights and basically she would take her from my husband and i.. note we just moved a month and a half ago so my house is not unpacked completely (i am 8 months pregnant still) but she threw up that I need to clean my house and quit being lazy and sleeping all day.. I have no dirty clothes, no dirty dishes, the trash is taken out every other day as well as my floors are swept and mopped every other day.. I also take a 2 hour nap a day.. I don't feel that me getting rest is anyone's business after all I am pregnant and need all the rest I can get.. but my house is far from a mess maybe cluttered from moving boxes but not filthy..
28.04.2016 Нравится Ответить
it all depends on your state. Georgia isn't a grandparent state so they have no rights here
28.04.2016 Нравится Ответить
if they're threatening you, then get it all on paper. save any texts, emails, messages, ect. to help prove they aren't good to be around you or your child. I wouldn't play with that crap momma
28.04.2016 Нравится Ответить
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