I know after having a baby you get post-partum hair loss... but is it normal to lose over 100 strands a day?? Yes I have counted and a couple days ago I managed to count over 260 😖😳
My doctor said prenatal's do little to nothing to help because it's your hormones causing the shedding. All you can really do is wait for them to balance out again. For me it was about a year after I had my daughter
Every person sheds 100 strands per day anyway. Cosmetology is how I know this but it's more noticeable after having a baby and you probably are loosing more. Take your prenatals for a few more weeks
my baby is 14 months, and I want to say I lost just as much. I had to wash my hair every other day, and I still managed to get 2 big bald spots. Fortunately my hair is growing back, but it took forever, and I have standing hairs everywhere