So this is baby number 4. My youngest is 6 years old. This pregnancy was not planned AND came on birth control. I literally have nothing as far as "baby stuff" is concerned cause I gave my boy stuff to my brother when my nephew was born and all the girl stuff went to yard sales etc.
Maybe it's pride but I didn't wanna host my own baby shower. Probably because I've done them for my friends and the only help they've given me on it was a theme and food suggestions, I foot the bill for the place, the cake, the games, you name it I paid for it. So I guess I feel like I shouldn't have to do my own. But I haven't asked any of my friends either.
Well last week, a friend of mine, 1 of the moms on my son's baseball team (our boys play football, basketball and baseball together on traveling teams) asked me for a free night I had on my calendar. So I gave her 2 choices, I assumed it was for fundraiser meetings for the boys. Well apparently she had been paying attention to my pinterest boards and picked up my theme in mind and her and a few other gals are throwing a shower for me! I'm not gonna lie, I cried when I read the text...

I'm just gonna lay here and count my blessings.

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