I'm positive Im depsressed, I wanna sleep all day and can't cuz the baby, and am awake alone all night, crying on and off over a million things going on right now, and don't have my bff here anymore to talk to.... I'm not sad about my baby or kids it's everything else!!! all I wanna do is cry....

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First off, motherhood is overwhelming. Second, it's totally okay to cry. I would recommend Google or Facebook searching for mom groups in your area that way you can make new friends who are going through the same thing as you, and I would also recommend talking to your doctor about things. It's always nice to talk to someone in a peaceful environment. You're not alone momma. Tons of women feel the way you do, just make sure you find someone you can walk to about it.
28.04.2016 Нравится Ответить
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