What are your recommendations for inducing labor? I feel like I've literally tried everything. Walking, sex, nipple stimulation, castor oil, sex, birthing ball, everything! I guess maybe I'll just have to be patient 😒
And try being patient I know you don't want to hear that but letting baby come on its own will be a lot better on both you in the end!! Plus ur so close what's another few days!! And baby knows when it's time to come!! Try some squats also😉 good luck you can do it!!
it was a large raspberry ice tea with reg sugar less ice. (I always get a cup on the side tho) I believe I only had 1 but maybe started drinking my second one...not totally sure if I had started the second or not but that's it!
I got one at dunki n donuts and it worked for me a few hrs later with my daughter! it doesn't induce persay but does help get you ready and it will help labor start if your body is ready. kinda like a jump start!!