Do any of you mommies know how to sooth a colic baby? Anything to help them? My baby is so gassy that it actually makes him cry when he farts. I feel so bad that I don't know how to help him! Thank you in advance !!!
My daughter was colicky as well and we had to switch her formula 3 times. Could have a hard time digesting milk protein which can cause the colic.. Alumentum formula (purple can) worked great but its one of the most expensive kinds.
I try to burp every ounce but sometimes he won't burp but then cries for more food. But I'll def keep trying to burp every ounce and I will try putting him on his belly. Thank you @mandy890
Deff try gas relief drops. And make sure you are burping every ounce. You may need to switch formula. With my first when he would get super gassy I'd lay him on his belly on my lap and pat his butt to try to loosen up the gas. Worked for us! Good luck
I tried the paci he likes it but doesn't calm him down much @amaperalta03. I hold, rock, and burp and he still is fussy. I just bought gripe water today and it def helps with hiccups but not seeing an improvement has wise. @nikkimarie. Thanks mama I appreciate it!!! @xoxo512070
When I was pregnant one of my Co workers was telling me stories and she said her daughter had colic and someone told her to put peppermint in some water or formula and it worked.
@princess23x, your welcome! with our baby it was like day and night when we switched. He was around your babies age as well, maybe a week older! Hopefully it helps out your Little one!