jamie box
jamie box
question!! how do you discipline a 14 month old at the store? I don't want her to think running away from me is okay. she tries to jump out the buggy and doesn't listen when I say NO. we've done had an incident where she tipped all the way out but I caught her by her foot so she didn't hit the ground. she also won't sit in the front part for more than 10 minutes. Help!! lol

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There are apps for turning your phone kid friendly, they can only use the apps you put on the program that is the app. to get out of said app you have to type in a code
26.04.2016 Нравится Ответить
I keep snacks and toys for her but she just gets bored of it, but she loves music like justin biebers song sorry, she could watch that video all day but if it's on my phone she always changes it to some other app, a portable DVD Player sounds like a Great idea lol but she only likes shows like family feud and wheel of fortune lol @dueaug28th @azmommy85
26.04.2016 Нравится Ответить
A portable dvd player is a life saver for me with my 2 year old. I put on one of his movies he likes to watch and it keeps his attention while I shop. That or any snacks he enjoys
26.04.2016 Нравится Ответить
I always use a distraction whether its a snack or maybe a favorite toy or book or even her nabi to occupy my daughter. Bring a small note pad and pen let her draw while you shop maybe?
26.04.2016 Нравится Ответить
no we don't have those, all we have is walmart but I don't think she's old enough to understand rewards yet, she's just in her own little world most of the time lol @taylor.rodriguez
26.04.2016 Нравится Ответить
Idk if you guys have publix over there but if you go shopping at a place with free cookies, my mom always used to tell us if we are good, then at the end, we will get a cookie.
26.04.2016 Нравится Ответить
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