was suppose to be induced today they said it was a busy day for them, they scheduled me for tomorrow, because they said they won't be as that busy, and I said are you sure, they transfer me to another individual and they said we know your on the list for induction we can not guarantee you anything, it can be tomorrow the next day or couple days, it goes on n on its like a little irritable because when I talk to my clinic they said they have me scheduled and I'm ready to go, is like ugh

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@mamaash, yea I know, they know that, and I told them as well, that's what my sister in law says also, why schedule me if they are going to keep on pushing it forward, they told me if I feel no movement or in pain, to go to the emergency room to not hesitate,
26.04.2016 Нравится Ответить
What the heck that's super weird. If you're already being scheduled to be induced its bc you're way past your due date. And it gets riskier and riskier so it's weird how they keep putting it off like hey no big deal.
26.04.2016 Нравится Ответить
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