I'm sooo glad I've never had chicken pox but now with this pregnancy rash, it's basically like chicken pox to me. Its sooo terrible and it's spreading more and more every day! :( currently I have it on my tummy, arms, legs, thighs, shoulders, a little on my back and under my butt. Sooo yeah... basically EVERYWHERE! and more and more bumps keep appearing by day :( this is the worst thing ever. I'm so itchy and it wakes me up multiple times throughout the night... last night I probably got a total of like MAYBE 3 hours of sleep :( idk how I'm gonna do this for 6 more weeks especially since it just keeps getting worse :( I already called off work yesterday bcuz of how bad it was... I'm like POSITIVE that what I have is PUPPS (Pruritic urticarial papules and plaques of pregnancy (PUPPP), known in United Kingdom as polymorphic eruption of pregnancy (PEP), is a chronic hives-like rash that strikes some women during pregnancy.) but I have a doctors appointment tomorrow to get the results from my blood test, so we shall see. Pray for me guys, I really need it cuz I am miserable! :( now im gonna try to refrain from itching for a little bit so i can get a little more sleep. Nighty night