Lyndsie Duncan
Lyndsie Duncan
OK so my baby (5 1/2 months) started baby food at 3 months, per docs orders cause he's so big and advanced. When can I start slipping him more table food? I give him little tastes all the time and he loves it. I also let him gnaw on Vanilla Wafers when I'm sitting with him watching. I'm wanting to start giving him mashed potatoes or simple things like that fir when we go out to eat, so I can order him something. Just curious.

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if you're also feeding breastmilk it helps to put the breastmilk in mashed potatoes because cows milk may upset his tummy
25.04.2016 Нравится Ответить
yep. obviously be cautious starting out. give him small soft things, like peas, Lima beans, cut up green beans, or the soft part of french fries. babies like figuring out how to pick them up and feed them self. don't move on to harder things like raisins and cheerios until he gets the hand of "chewing" his food.
25.04.2016 Нравится Ответить
Aw! So pretty much whatever he can handle at this point without getting sick or choked? @crunchymomma
25.04.2016 Нравится Ответить
you don't have to do puree foods at all. you can give him any soft table foods you want. at 8 months old my baby had no teeth at all and could eat an entire peach down to the pit without any help.
25.04.2016 Нравится Ответить
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