Hey Mommy's, I have a 17 month baby girl and I think she is ready to start potty training. I have pull ups, a potty seat that's goes over our regular seat, a stool and some little yogurt treats to give her when she actually goes in the toilet. I'm wondering if any mommy's have any suggestions or tricks that they do for potty training also how you knew when your baby was ready to potty train. Any advice or opinions welcomed!!!

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One of my clues that my son was ready was when he wasn't waking up with full wet diapers in the morning anymore. And he seemed really interested in using the potty so I just ran with it. I also did not use pull ups, I took him to pick out his own big boy underwear and he was super excited about that.
25.04.2016 Нравится Ответить
learn the potty song😄 kids love it! worked for my niece also may be build a chart and let her get a prize if she gets x amount oit stickers
25.04.2016 Нравится Ответить
I do not suggest using pull ups, because pull ups are kind of like underpants where you pull them up and they might not recognize the difference and get confused and use the bathroom in their underwear.
25.04.2016 Нравится Ответить
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