mine are worse at night too. they have been waking me up or keeping me up.. but pretty much stop for a few hrs in the morning. @alelovesari I wanna just go to l&d and say I'm in too much pain. then maybe theyll keep me lol but I dont want to lie.. maybe I just have a high pain tolerance.
@momwife1316, as of last Monday I was 2 cm so my doctor said if tomorrow I am 4 cm she would send me to hospital. my pains are usually more at night then day. at night my stomach gets so tight it hurts to move. so hopefully I am 4 cm by apt
@alelovesari, my contractions are supposedly just "strong braxton kicks" but they are far from light! Trust me I have been asking myself that question since they checked me last. This is also baby #2 for me. my dr is really adamant about baby arrived after 39 weeks so hes having me wait as long as possible in the hopes it'll start before being induced. but I'm gunna be half way done with labor by the time they give me pitocin lol at least it'll most likely be another fast delivery if all goes fine.