I've been having pretty bad rib pains since 8 last night, it's like an aching pain then when I move around it turns into a sharp pain. what can it be???
that would be me lol. @misha.97 its called Costochronditis & its an inflammation of the rib cartilage, its tender to the touch and its very common, however there is no anti-inflammatory meds that we can take for now so we are stuck with it, ive had this rib pain since about week 18 up until a couple weeks ago, & I can honestly say it got worse before it got better, it doesnt bother me anymore though, it seems as I got further along it got worse then better. im 33 weeks now, I used to put a cold compress on it. good luck.
Someone had posted about their diagnosing it as something like a week ago but I couldn't find it again. My doctor just tells me it's normal but constantly like this isn't lol