I need some mommy friends in the Atlanta area. Most of my friends don't have kids or are in serious relationships so I've just been feeling so alone around them lately. Especially since most of our plans include drinks and clubs.
Yeah I'm in Sandy Springs . I need mommy friends ! I'm not from here so I'm like a loner ! I'm definitely down for us getting up . @anandashamion @babycabralsmom
@anandashamion, what area are you two in @princessleesey ? It's been like this since I found out I was pregnant I've learned to put it behind me I'm not the one that will be missing out.
I feel you on that! Try being 22 new to the area and only have his family but because his sisters aren't the ones that's pregnant it's been animosity from their behalf towards me 🙄
right. but when I found out my best friend was pregnant I wanted to be by her side for everything . I didn't want her to ever be or feel alone. hell I stayed the night just to cuddle with her babies so she could get some good sleep. it just depends on the people you have around you. Than I found out I was pregnant 2 months later lol
Yes and it's so frustrating but you can't really get mad at them because they're not in your situation so their life shouldn't have to change @mommytoaprince