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well today I have a doctors appointment today I am 36 weeks and 4 days what am I supposed to expect at my doctors appointment today?
maceysmommy At my 36 week appointment she measured my tummy, listened to the heart beat with the doppler,
lbn_aznsmom13 your doctor will listen to baby's heartbeat measure your tummy ask you a few questions and may
cbe2016 My 36 wk visit is Tomorrow and I'll have the strep B test done along with cervix
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how early can you go in labor how many weeks?
teshanicole25 oh wow she had him early lol I am scared to go in labor they taking my
m00my2five My doctor told me yeaterday, at 34 weeks they won't stop's considered that their lungs are
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what does it mean when you are in pain when u walk or get in and out of the bed or car what does it mean is that normal
teshanicole25 oh OK this pressure is very painful in my legs and pelvic area
nicoleefco Dont worry is all normal, im going thru it too & its just your body getting everything
teshanicole25 oh OK this shit hurt lol
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what happens when your mucus plug Comes out what does it mean
santinosmommy41816 just means labor coming soon , sometimes doesn't mean anything serious it can grow back.
ajochim15 I lost mine at 27 weeks and nothing happened. It grew back. I lost it again at
lacybearden I lost mine a week ago. Nothing's happened and my OB said its no big deal.
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can you deliver natural if u have had your fibroids removed or do I continuously have to have a c-section
lalamichelle0707 I had a myomectomy last year, but it's hard finding a doctor who will do a natural
lalamichelle0707 @lateshan,
teshanicole25 I had mines in 2013 And got pregnant in 2013 a couple of months after my surgery
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if you are getting induced and a c-section will my mucus plug still come out?
mrscooper I always wondered the same thing cause I have 2 previous c-sections and mine never came out
sandycheeks mine did. you will most likely still have alot of things happen but as long as you
evococa Depends. The body will still do everything its programmed to do to bring baby. Some people don't
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