So I have a weird question, but this is the only place I figured could help with this! So I am taking the pill and I noticed that I am having an allergic reaction to it so I stopped. I was wondering how you ladies felt about the shot and the IUD? I'm nervous about the IUD moving, but if it's better than the shot I might ask my doctor on Monday what my options are and stuff. I'm just curious as to your opinions though! Please help!!! 😕

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I may ask my doctor about the arm implant one! The IUD kinda freaks me out lol!
23.04.2016 Нравится Ответить
I had an IUD for 3 years . I got it right after I had my son . I had it taking out bc it was causing me pains . I went to the doctors and I was told it's best to have it taking it now or I may need it get surgically removed later . they said it moved . and I was thinking about going back to get on again ... but then I got pregnant lol how about that new one the implant inside of your arm ? I wanna look into that one after I have my baby lol
23.04.2016 Нравится Ответить
Well then it seems like it works in a sort of kinda way! Was the IUD okay tho? Did it move on you or anything?
23.04.2016 Нравится Ответить
I got pregnant with my son on the pill after forgetting just one day and I just got pregnant with my second daughter after having an IUD in for 15 months
23.04.2016 Нравится Ответить
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