my 6month old still doesn't sleep through the night!! thank god for my husband! we take turns every other night with who gets up with him... I'm so scared I go back to work in June and I'm pretty much SLO if I don't get him on a schedule.. Does anyone have this problem or any advice?? PLEASE HELP

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Have you noticed what position your baby likes to sleep in? My son is very much a side sleeper which of course is not recommended! However, they sell these pillows that help baby to sleep on his side without letting him roll over so he won't suffocate himself. If that's the case you could try something like that?
23.04.2016 Нравится Ответить
@babyjakaihamilton, That's exactly what I did with Lainey & I got little to no sleep. It was too much for me which is why I'm so glad I found something that works for her.
23.04.2016 Нравится Ответить
23.04.2016 Нравится Ответить
But if he is sleeping through the night and getting his twelve hours of sleep that's what you should be son wakes up at six every morning but if I put him to bed later he sleeps like shit and wakes up a lot because he is over tired. Maybe try when he is older
23.04.2016 Нравится Ответить
@theinkedmommy, happy I'm not alone.. my husband is worse he sleeps with him on his chest
23.04.2016 Нравится Ответить
@babyjakaihamilton, I haven't put her in the crib yet lol that's another fight for another day.
23.04.2016 Нравится Ответить
@edomke, I can't put him down too early or he will be up really early.. I tried that once and get was up at 6am all smiles and ready to play
23.04.2016 Нравится Ответить
I honestly do like 2.5,3.5,4,5 schedule though. I would try that. It helps them not get over tired
23.04.2016 Нравится Ответить
23.04.2016 Нравится Ответить
@theinkedmommy, I use Aveno because he had a bad reaction to J&J but I've noticed that baths knock him out!! he's usually ready for a bottle right after.. swaddling never really helped because he gets hot quick but he is still sleeping with us he hates his bed
23.04.2016 Нравится Ответить
I have tried the 2,3,4 schedule. When your son wakes up let's use my son for example. He wakes around six first nap is 830 so I do like 2.5,3,4 so when he wakes up I do his next nap three hours from there then bed time four hours from his next wake up. It has helped so much! It's so routine now so he sleeps better at night
23.04.2016 Нравится Ответить
@edomke, thank you so much
23.04.2016 Нравится Ответить
Also my son is in bed at seven. What is his bedtime? How does he nap during the day? And how many naps?
23.04.2016 Нравится Ответить
Don't shorten his naps! He will be over tired and sleep worse! Trust me. My son sleeps better if he naps good during the day
23.04.2016 Нравится Ответить
My son still wakes up a little and he is almost ten months. Some babies just aren't great sleepers. I would really try to be on a strict night schedule. That has helped my son
23.04.2016 Нравится Ответить
@babyjakaihamilton, You're welcome! It took me what feels like years to get this accomplished. I make sure to keep her awake all day (with small naps) & only feed her enough to satisfy her belly instead of making her full & sleepy. I make her night time bottle a little bit thicker than the day time bottles. (I add just a tiny bit of extra formula, I don't use rice cereal) It seems to last her for a good while. She used to only want to sleep on top of me or not at all. It's been a blessing though with the swaddles, sound machine, & humidifier. Idk where you stand on the Johnson & Johnson company, but when I bathe her I used their nighttime bath wash & the lotion too. I think it makes a difference for her.
23.04.2016 Нравится Ответить
thank you so much!! I've been trying that bath thing at the same time every night.. some night he will do well and only wake up once and others its 3 or 4.. I can say this past week its only for feeding and not to play like he use too.. its so crazy because whenever he stays the night at my moms or my mother inlaws they say he sleeps all night @theinkedmommy
23.04.2016 Нравится Ответить
@babyjakaihamilton, He's too old to be swaddled now, but that's what's working for my daughter. I've gotten her somewhat on a routine. I'll give her a bath at 8:50, a bedtime bottle at 9 (takes her an hour to eat normally) then lay her down at 10 & she sleeps pretty soundly until 4. Then once I feed her again she goes back to sleep for another 5-6 hours. I let her sleep in a rock & play in her room with a sound machine on, & a humidifier that has lights that shine stars on the ceiling. She loves it.
23.04.2016 Нравится Ответить
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