@jamielynn07, @vb95 @bryaxtonsmommy @francesgln92 thank you mommas for all the kind words. He did great, barely cried. He just screams for a few seconds when I change his diaper 😔😔 No matter how big or small the procedure, it's still always heart wrenching!
My son didn't even cry until I changed his diaper and that was only for the first few times and he was better and the bleeding had stopped. It really isn't as bad as it seems for them, you will do fine mama!
When they were showing me how to clean my sons I started tearing up because it looked so brutal, but in about a week it was so much better! And it didn't help that they told me he bled more than normal :( just be strong!
Yeah. they say it doesn't really hurt the baby that they get startled. I'm getting it done so he doesn't get any infections when hes older and is responsible for cleaning himself
I agree with you completely. stay strong mama! my 3 year old has to be put under next month to get dental work done and I'm a wreck about that..Noone tells you about how hard these things are when you become a mom. of course our hormones don't help but it's hard to be strong..but we do it for our little babies! @tlanes
I had no idea I would take it so hard. I feel like I betrayed him. 😭😭 I'm just 100% positive I want it done because I personally know an adult male who was never circumcised as a baby and got an infection at like 23 years old and ended up having the procedure done anyway as an adult. I'd much rather him have it done when he can't remember. @francesgln92 @jamielynn07
I did too girl. I bawled. I felt awful. I didn't even want to change his diaper for awhile. but he healed just fine and is healthy and clean. my worst fear about having a baby boy.